Fr. Thomas J. Zaferes 40th Anniversary Celebration

Let your priests be clothed with righteousness,

    and let your faithful shout for joy.  - Psalm 132:9

Honorable Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Beloved Parishioners,

Christ is in our midst!

This fall our community has the blessing to celebrate a monumental milestone. On Sunday, October 29th we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Athanasios J. Zaferes’ ordination the Holy Priesthood. Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 29th you will have the opportunity to attend a luncheon in our hall honoring Fr. Tom and his family. Please make a reservation for this upcoming celebration by making a reservation here or contacting our office. We look forward to welcoming visiting hierarchs, clergy, family and friends on this beautiful occasion.

Throughout the past 40 years Fr. Tom has faithfully served Christ and His Church across the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. For the past 14 years we have had the blessing of Fr. Tom’s ministry and spiritual leadership at Ascension Cathedral.

The Priesthood is a high-calling and multifaceted vocation (Hebrews 5:4). St. John of Kronstadt meditates on this writing:

“Every priest is an apostle in his parish, and out to go about preaching the kingdom of God, instructing the ignorant, awakening the careless, encouraging the devout, strengthening and comforting the dowcast.” 

In all these aspects Fr. Tom has excelled. Many of us have benefitted from his exhaustive knowledge of scripture and Church history, found ourselves moved and convicted by his preaching, and been comforted by his attentive presence when we are struggling or sick or experiencing the loss of a loved one. Yet, as Metropolitan Kallistos Ware of blessed memory observes (and Fr. Tom, no doubt would be quick to affirm), “the priesthood is always Christ’s not ours.” The priest exists to make Christ present. 

“‘It is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who perform everything, teaches St John Chrysostom (d. 407); ‘but the priest lends his tongue and supplies his hand.… It is not man who causes the bread and wine to become Christ’s Body and Blood: this is done by Christ himself, crucified for our sakes. The priest stands before us, doing what Christ did and speaking the words that he spoke; but the power and grace are from God’” (Ware).

Therefore, as we honor Fr. Tom, we should also give glory to Christ our God, for the Mystery of the Holy Priesthood through which He continues to care for His creation.

Once again, please take the opportunity to make a reservation for this important occasion in the life of our Church, and to recognize Fr. Tom and his family for their faithful example and humble service.

May God grant Fr. Tom many more years of blessed service to the Church. Axios!

In Christ,

Fr. Nick Mueller


Young Adult Event Oct. 1 - Coffee and Conversation


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